Hospice Donations are Tax Deductible and Very Much Needed
Although hospice services are a covered benefit under Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance, some patients are not eligible for these benefits and are unable to pay for hospice services. Programs offered that are not part of the hospice benefit must also be funded from other sources. These include: Community Education, focused on end-of-life topics; and Community Assist, for bereaved individuals who have not used our hospice services.
How To Give
- Online, simply click to donate now
- Mail, make checks payable to Hospice of Holland and mail to 270 Hoover Blvd., Holland, MI 49423
- Telephone, via credit card, call 616.396.2972 or 800.255.3522
- In Person, stop by 270 Hoover Blvd. in Holland to make a cash, check or credit card donation.
Tax Information — Hospice of Holland is a 501 (C) (3) not-for-profit charitable organization as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions that are not made in exchange for goods or services are tax deductible. Donations may be made in the form of checks, cash, credit cards, stock, planned gifts, or in-kind contributions. These can be made as general contributions to be used as needed to support Hospice programs and services, or designated to support a particular program. Contributions may be given by businesses, individuals, churches, foundations, etc. All donations are acknowledged.
Planned Giving — Individuals may leave a legacy to ensure that Hospice of Holland can continue to provide quality end-of-life care. Planned giving options include: bequests through provisions in a will or trust; gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds or real property; or the proceeds of a life insurance policy. For more information contact Mark Lazarock, Fund Development Manager, by calling 616.396.2972 or 800.255.3522 or e-mail at mlazarock@hollandhospice.org.
All information concerning donors or prospective donors, including their names, addresses and telephone numbers, the names of their beneficiaries, the amount of their gift, etc., shall be kept strictly confidential by Hospice of Holland, Inc., it’s staff and volunteers, unless permission is obtained from donors to release such information.